When I need peace of mind, a sanctuary and illumination I escape to Robert Moses Beach. It’s a 20 minute drive but so worth it. It’s my regular 3 times a week thing. Just driving over those 3 bridges is cathartic. A few weeks ago I was really struggling with a deep hurt in my heart. As I was driving over the bridges I could actually feel the sadness leaving my heart and felt myself being filled up with this feeling of “okness” then happiness then complete joy. By the time I got over the third bridge I was singing and dancing in my car! It was so amazing that it happened so fast. I have heard that when your sadness or negative emotions leave you and you are filled with peace and joy that means your angels are there with you. As I was thinking those thoughts I looked up with so much love and gratitude in my heart and said “thank you Angels.” Next thing I know a car drives past me with a license plate that says, “my angel.” You can’t make this stuff up! We are always surrounded by love and support, sometimes you just need to let go and tune in.
Believe in angels. Namaste.
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