Compassionate Heart
There are times when my heart feels so sad. I am a very sensitive soul and I feel things so deeply. I’ve been told I have a lot of extra “antennas”, more than most people. This is a double edged sword for me. It’s good for my clients and students that I work with,...
Gifts From My Yoga Students
One of my yoga classes that I have been teaching for the last 4 years at a corporation has had its last hurrah. Although this was a pretty unconventional yoga class, done in the cafeteria, on a cold, hard, dirty floor with ants and loud warning bells going off in the...
Where the Name SoulFire Came From
It was brought to my attention recently that my name change from Stefania to SoulFire was not understood correctly. The transformation that I went through in 2013 was a huge shift for me in so many ways. There were a lot of endings and a lot of new beginnings. The...
Love thy Neighbor – Gratitude is My Prayer
It was Sunday morning about 7:30am, I’m lying in bed, soaking in my first morning in a long time that I can sleep in, when I heard a loud knock/pounding on my door. My first thought was, are you kidding me!? Then I thought maybe if I don’t answer they will go away. ...
Embrace the Fire
In yoga there are a set of guidelines for living in a harmonious, peaceful and truthful way with yourself, others and the environment. They are called the yamas and niyamas. There are ten. Today I am focusing on the Niyama, Tapas, which loosely translates to...
Robert Moses Beach, My Magical Sanctuary
When I need peace of mind, a sanctuary and illumination I escape to Robert Moses Beach. It’s a 20 minute drive but so worth it. It’s my regular 3 times a week thing. Just driving over those 3 bridges is cathartic. A few weeks ago I was really struggling with a deep...
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