On the 2023 winter solstice, my Beloved Karma, my furry four legged best friend, transitioned to the higher dimensions. It was very traumatic for me. The last six months I have spent grieving and crying over this tremendous loss. Luckily for me I have a spiritual teacher, guide and friend who walked me through this challenging time in my life. She channeled Karma for me and I received new information about her and our relationship- which brought me great comfort, (that is for another day:) What I have gone through in the last year I think I can write an entire book about. For the purpose of this blog I share the growing pains I have undergone in the last six months that might be helpful for other hurting hearts that have lost someone or something dear to them. For while I was grieving I was also learning how to apply a great Spiritual Truth: nothing dies, it just changes form. The non physical part of ourselves is more of our true natural state anyway. The ones you love will never not be with you. They are there, just in another “form.”

If you truly believe this, then the grieving becomes more bearable-not that you won’t still miss them in their physicalness, but at least you know somehow someway they are still with you. Karma has sent me so many signs- some of them very grandiose. One of the many happened the day after Karma went to the rainbow bridge. Karma appeared to my guide and told her that when I see white daisies it is her because white daisies were very significant from one of our lifetimes together. My first thought was, “Great. I live in Hawaii. There are no white daisies here”  I was a bit disappointed to say the least.  My daughter came over later that day with a gift for me. She said she had bought it the week prior but didn’t have time to give it to me. Guess what it was? A new purse covered in white daisies! It made me laugh and cry, be happy and sad, I have experienced the duality of emotions more in the last six months than I have ever in my life.

Four months after Karma passed I decided to be brave since I had a dear friend with me  and asked him to take me to a beach up north that was me and Karma’s favorite spot. We would always stop on the way at this outdoor mall where she would pee, then I went into food store and bought sushi and treats for us to share at Beach 69. She loved going there. It was one of our favorite beaches and adventure days. I loved sharing it with Karma. I hadn’t been back since she passed.

When I got out of his car I felt a sudden wave of grief come over me and just stood frozen in the middle of the parking lot sobbing. He took my hand and led me gently into the food store so we could continue on with our day. I was too heart broken to think about food so I just grabbed a random salad.  I asked the cashier for more salad dressing and she told me to go the the deli and ask but it’s an extra charge. With tears in my eyes still I went over and tapped a woman worker on the back. She turned around and hurriedly moved me back telling me I couldn’t be there. (I had walked behind the deli counter by accident). She asked me what I needed and I told her, salad dressing with the saddest face she had probably ever seen. She brought me the salad dressing, no extra charge. Then I looked at her name tag and guess what it said? DAISY! I couldn’t believe it. I mean, you can’t make this up! I was so happy. My heart leapt for joy. I asked her if I could give her a hug. and she said yes. She probably thought I was happy she gave me free salad dressing—Ha ha ha. This little angel had no idea how much she meant to me at that moment. 

These signs from Karma kept coming…too many to blog about. But I know that if my furry four legged bestest friend can still be with me, then whoever you have “lost” and love deeply is still with you. In the midst of these intense emotions I remind myself to breathe. Breath has been my saving grace. It leaves room for the Holy Spirit to come in and do her work. After all, if I am going to say I am a spiritual teacher then I have to walk my talk. 

“Your body is away from me, but there is a window open from my heart to yours.” ~ Rumi

I love you Karma.